
    We are pleased to welcome you to the 5th edition of Summer School. We are honored and very proud that the great Summer School is being held in Ulm again in 2025. Nursing and health care are highly challenged to provide excellent patient care through continuous improvements of process and outcomes. Therefore, to achieve a resilient and adaptive organization that attracts and retains highly professional and skilled nurses and midwifes becomes essential. This summer school treats concepts and evidence on organizational context of nursing practice and illustrates how US Magnet® principles were implemented in a world health care system. Thanks again to Prof. Peter van Borgaert, Danny Van heusden and Team from University of Antwerp/UZA for the possibility to have the Summer School “ Leadership in Nursing Excellence” for the second time in Ulm. For 2025 Danny Van heusden, MSN and Dr. Lori Kennedy would be part of the Summer School with their great experiences in Antwerp and the USA Magnet® Hospitals. We are looking forward inspiring days and an unforgettable stay in Ulm, with a great ideas we can together transfer health care for our peoples, for our families in a positive future, with the knowledge from many experts international. A warm invitation from
  • Helene Maucher, MSc.,(CNO RKU, Head of Corporate Strategy Nursing Sana Clinic),
  • Catharina Bothner, MA, (CNO RKU),
  • Robert Jeske, MBA, (CNO , University Ulm),
  • Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister (Dean, HNU, Neu-Ulm)


prgramm Summer School 2025, Leadership in Nursing Excellence


    Getreu dem Motto "Von den Besten lernen – Exzellenzentwicklung in Pflege und Gesundheitsversorgung" freuen wir uns vom 04. - 05.09.2025 den 6. Ulmer Pflegemanagementkongress veröffentlichen zu dürfen. Im Fokus der Veranstaltung stehen innovative Ansätze von Pflege, Leadership, Patientenoutcomes, Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten für Pflegefachpersonen und die sich daraus ergebenen Chancen und Stärken für den Pflegeberuf. Sie beschäftigen sich mit innovativen Praxisthemen aus den nachfolgend genannten Themenkreisen, haben Ideen, in Ihren Kliniken und Einrichtungen die Pflegequalität zu steigern, ein gutes Arbeitsumfeld für Pflegende zu schaffen? Was machen sie warum und wie sind die zentralen Fragen? Unsere Themenbereiche sind:
  • Potentiale für eine positive Zukunft
  • Leadership
  • Pflegewirksame Strukturen schaffen
  • Professionelle Praxis
  • Innovation und Entwicklung
  • Pflegequalität
  • Globale Themen - Partnerschaften Wir freuen uns darauf, am 6. Ulmer Pflegemanagementkongress Ihre Ideen zu erfahren und gemeinsam zu lernen. _______________________________________________________________ In English: We, again, want to continue our motto: "Learning from the best – developing excellence in nursing and healthcare" The event focuses on innovative approaches to nursing, leadership, patient outcomes, development opportunities for nursing professionals and the resulting opportunities and strengths for the nursing profession. You are engaged with innovative practical topics from the following subject areas; you have ideas for improving the quality of care in your clinics and facilities and creating a good working environment for nurses? What do you doing why and what are the central questions? Our subject areas are:
  • Potential for a positive future
  • Leadership
  • Creating care-effective structures
  • Professional practice – e.g. APN, professional care concepts, positioning, Bobath/kinesthetics ….
  • Innovation and development
  • Quality of care
  • Global issues - Partnerships We look forward to hearing about your ideas and learning together at the 6th Ulm Nursing Management Congress.


  • Potentiale für eine positive Zukunft/ Potential for a positive future
  • Leadership
  • Pflegewirksame Strukturen schaffen/ Creating care-effective structures
  • Professionelle Praxis/ Professional practice
  • Innovation und Entwicklung/ Innovation and development
  • Pflegequalität/ Quality of care
  • Globale Themen und Partnerschaften/ Global issues und partnerships Sie beschäftigen sich mit innovativen Praxisthemen, haben Ideen wie die Pflegequalität gesteigert oder ein gutes Arbeitsumfeld für Pflegende geschaffen werden kann? Dann freuen wir uns über die Einreichung Ihres Posters bis zum 30.04.2025 an Are you working on innovative practical topics, have ideas on how to improve the quality of care or create a good work environment for caregivers? Then we look forward to receiving your poster submission by April 30, 2025, at